UnitedLayer™ is not a Unifedlayer
We regularly get inquiries, calls & email on UniFIEDlayer hosting business. 99% of the time the IP address in question, belongs to “Unified Layer” not “UnitedLayer™”.
20% cheaper than AWS, Azure or Rackspace guaranteed UnitedLayer™ is the leading innovator in Enterprise Managed MultiCloud. UnityoneCloud is disrupting the Hybrid-cloud monitoring and management market because we built one tool to replace the 12+ we needed to manage all the disparate gear running our Hybrid focused Datacenters in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Ashburn, Toronto, and Vancouver. The single pane of glass SAAS platform empowers management across Bare metal and Multi-Cloud such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure side-by-side with legacy customer-owned colocation or private clouds. With, we cater to hybrid-cloud enterprises managing workloads across multiple cloud platforms and geographies demanding 99.99% uptime with more customized compute capacity, storage, and disaster recovery and 1 SLA.
Please address your concerns to UnifiedLayer and see the link on the whois for email: https://www.whois.com/whois/